Swiss Go Association

Schweizer Go Verband - Fédération Suisse de Go - Federazione Svizzera di Go


The Swiss Go Association has two Newsletters / Mailinglists.
is the list for announcements of events in Switzerland.
is for the communication between the clubs.

How do i send an email to the mailinglist?
Anyone subscribed to the list can send a message to the list. To send an email simply send a message to an all subscribed members (around 150) will get your email.

Who is on the mailinglist, to whom am i sending my email?
Log in the configuration page with your user name (email) and password and you get an overview of all the members. You can get your password on the same page but it's easier to request the password by mail. Simply send an email to and put in the title password.

As soon as you get the answer with the password in it, you can send an email with the title who <password> again to and you will get a list of all members of the mailinglist per email.

How do i subscribe, unsubscribe from the mailinglist?
Send an email to with the title unsubscribe or subscribe. Maybe it's easiest if you fill out this little form here to subscribe!

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Request the password




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